Entries by admin

John Glenn at the Kentucky Author Forum

The former astronaut and senator passed away December 8th.  Here, the author of the autobiography John Glenn: A Memoir, was interviewed by Lou Dobbs, CEO of Space.com. This is a KET production […]

Colson Whitehead

Praising Colson Whitehead, John Updike wrote: “Whitehead’s writing does what writing should do; it refreshes our sense of the world.” 

Sebastian Junger

Sebastian Junger, author of War and The Perfect Storm, investigates how we overcome trauma and seek something bigger than ourselves.

Announcing our Fall 2016 Season!

We are pleased to announce these author guests in our upcoming 2016-17 season at The Kentucky Center: Sebastian Junger, author of Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging Interviewed by TIME Magazine’s Joe […]