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The sixteenth episode of GREAT PODVERSATIONS features Terry Tempest Williams and Nathaniel Rich discussing environmental issues, the future of climate policy, and other timely topics.
TERRY TEMPEST WILLIAMS is an award-winning writer, conservationist, and activist. She received a John Muir Award for American Conservation and was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Ms. Williams’ 2019 book Erosion: Essays of Undoing examines the cultural and environmental issues of public land, and climate crisis. Williams’ other books include: The Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of America’s National Parks; Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place; Finding Beauty in a Broken World; and When Women Were Birds. She is the current writer-in-residence at Harvard Divinity School.
NATHANIEL RICH is the author of Losing Earth: A Recent History, which received awards from the Society of Environmental Journalists and the American Institute of Physicists and was a finalist for the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award; and the novels King Zeno, Odds Against Tomorrow, and The Mayor’s Tongue. He is a writer at large for The New York Times Magazine and a regular contributor to The Atlantic, Harper’s, and The New York Review of Books. His new book, Second Nature: Scenes from a World Remade, will be published in March, 2021.
Original air date: 2/5/2021
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