Past Authors and Interviewers

P.J. O’Rourke

 P.J. O'ROURKE, author of How the Hell Did This Happen? the Election of 2016 was interviewed by ROBERT SIEGEL on March 20, 2017, at the Kentucky Center. LISTEN HERE or on your favorite podcast app WATCH now on KET's Great Conversations The…

Colson Whitehead

Praising Colson Whitehead, John Updike wrote: “Whitehead’s writing does what writing should do; it refreshes our sense of the world.” 


Buzzfeed's Book Editor ISAAC FITZGERALD interviewed COLSON WHITEHEAD, author of The Underground Railroad, at the Kentucky Center on December 5, 2016. LISTEN HERE or on your favorite podcast app Isaac Fitzgerald is author of Knives &…

Sebastian Junger

Sebastian Junger, author of War and The Perfect Storm, investigates how we overcome trauma and seek something bigger than ourselves.
JOE KLEIN, political columnist for TIME, interviewed SEBASTIAN JUNGER, author of Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging (Twelve) at the Kentucky Center on September 21, 2016. LISTEN HERE or wherever you get your podcasts Joe Klein is TIME's…

Joe Nocera

Joe Nocera, long-time Business and Opinion writer for the New York Times has just added a regular Times column about the business of sports.


 BUZZ BISSINGER, author of Friday Night Lights, interviewed JOE NOCERA on April 18, 2016, at the Kentucky Center. LISTEN HERE or on your favorite podcast app WATCH now on KET’s Great Conversations Buzz Bissinger is among the nation's…

Ann Patchett

Author ANN PATCHETT interviewed DIANE REHM at the Kentucky Center on March 23, 2016. LISTEN HERE or on your favorite podcast app WATCH now on KET's Great Conversations   Ann Patchett is the author of six novels, The Patron Saint…

Diane Rehm

The beloved NPR host speaks about the death (from Parkinson’s) of her husband of 54 years, and her struggle to reconstruct her life without him.

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